Obstetric Patient Safety (OPS) Training
Obstetric Patient Safety (OPS): OB Emergencies Workshop- 3rd Edition
Despite efforts from many collaborating agencies and professional organizations, the maternal mortality rate in the United States continues to remain high.
As part of its effort to reduce the rising trend of maternal mortality in the United States, the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) developed the Obstetric Patient Safety (OPS): OB Emergencies Workshop, now in its 3rd Edition.
The curriculum for this program incorporates the leading causes of maternal morbidity and mortality with various obstetric emergencies that can occur during pregnancy and postpartum. The in-person workshop uses active engagement through simulation, escape rooms, tabletop games and more.
The Obstetric Patient Safety (OPS): Obstetric Emergencies Workshop 3rd Edition is designed to help clinicians identify, assess, and manage the care for patients with an obstetric emergency and can be taken by clinicians working in perinatal, emergency, medical-surgical, ICU, and critical access units, who will find this course essential to caring for patients experiencing an obstetric emergency.
Learning Outcomes:
- Identify key factors that place the patient at higher risk for an obstetric emergency.
- Demonstrate effective management for pregnant or postpartum person during an obstetric emergency.
- Role-play with a multidisciplinary team using simulation-based cognitive, behavioral, and technical learning strategies to practice management of a patient experiencing an obstetric emergency.
The course content also meets the Joint Commission requirements for PC 06.01.01 Reduce the likelihood of harm related to maternal hemorrhage and PC.06.03.01 Reduce the likelihood of harm related to maternal severe hypertension/preeclampsia
Source: OPS – AWHONN